China vows to counter U.S. deployment of intermediate-range missiles in Asia

China has warned the United States that it would take countermeasures if the US goes ahead with its plans to deploy ground-based missiles in the Asia Pacific region. This statement came after US Defense Secretary has said that the US was now free to deploy the weapons following its withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces(INF)… Continue reading China vows to counter U.S. deployment of intermediate-range missiles in Asia

U.S. poised to formally abandon INF missile treaty

The US has formally withdrawn from a Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty(INF) with Russia. Russia had also officially suspended it’s participation in the INF treaty after the US had announced to withdraw from the treaty claiming that Russia had secretly developed a missile that violated the INF. Further,the US military also plans to test a land-based… Continue reading U.S. poised to formally abandon INF missile treaty

Russia willing to drop New START pact: Putin

Russian President has said that Russia is prepared to suspend the NEW START treaty with the U.S.He said that the US has showed no interest in conducting talks on extending the New START treaty. The New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) is a nuclear arms reduction treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation.It… Continue reading Russia willing to drop New START pact: Putin

Russia open to new arms control treaty

Russia has said that it was open to the possibility of new arms control deal after the US President has called for a new arms control treaty with both Russia and China. Recently,the United States and Russia had withdrawn from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces(INF) treaty blaming each other for the violation of the treaty. The… Continue reading Russia open to new arms control treaty

Putin suspends INF treaty with US

Russia officially suspended it’s participation in the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces(INF) on the grounds that US have violated the INF treaty. US had already withdrawn from the treaty claiming that Russia had secretly developed a missile that violated the INF. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces(INF) Treaty came into force in 1988. It banned both the Soviet Union(Russia)… Continue reading Putin suspends INF treaty with US
