India hoping for Iran deal, Russia’s inclusion in G7

The Group of Seven(G7) summit is being held in Biarritz,France.The summit will discuss issues such as (a)global free trade (b) environment (c) climate change (d) digital economy among others. However,India would be interested in two other issues which are (a) Relations between Iran and US and (b) Inclusion of Russia in the G7 group. The… Continue reading India hoping for Iran deal, Russia’s inclusion in G7

Russia launches floating nuclear reactor in Arctic

Russia has successfully launched the world’s first floating nuclear reactor called Akademik Lomonosov in the Arctic region. Akademik Lomonosov is a non-self-propelled powership.The reactor will be the northernmost nuclear plant in the world. The reactor is suited for powering remote areas and island states that require stable, green sources of energy.It will also power the… Continue reading Russia launches floating nuclear reactor in Arctic

Russia sends its first humanoid robot Fedor into space

Russia has sent its first life sized Humanoid robot known as Fedor into the International Space Station(ISS). Fedor stands for Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research (Skybot F-850).It is the first humanoid robot to be sent to space by Russia. Fedor is the size of an adult and can emulate movements of the human body.The main… Continue reading Russia sends its first humanoid robot Fedor into space

Bangladesh signs uranium supply deal with Russia

Bangladesh has signed a nuclear fuel supply agreement with Russia for Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant project. The deal was signed between the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission and Russian Nuclear Fuel Supply Company(TVEL). Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant is an under-construction 2.4 GWe nuclear power plant in Bangladesh.It will be the Bangladesh first nuclear power plant and… Continue reading Bangladesh signs uranium supply deal with Russia

China vows to counter U.S. deployment of intermediate-range missiles in Asia

China has warned the United States that it would take countermeasures if the US goes ahead with its plans to deploy ground-based missiles in the Asia Pacific region. This statement came after US Defense Secretary has said that the US was now free to deploy the weapons following its withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces(INF)… Continue reading China vows to counter U.S. deployment of intermediate-range missiles in Asia

U.S. poised to formally abandon INF missile treaty

The US has formally withdrawn from a Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty(INF) with Russia. Russia had also officially suspended it’s participation in the INF treaty after the US had announced to withdraw from the treaty claiming that Russia had secretly developed a missile that violated the INF. Further,the US military also plans to test a land-based… Continue reading U.S. poised to formally abandon INF missile treaty

Cabinet approves ISRO Technical Liaison Unit at Moscow

The Union Cabinet has approved the setting up of Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO)’s Technical Liaison Unit(ITLU) in Moscow, Russia. The establishment of this unit will help ISRO to collaborate with Space agencies/industries in Russia and neighbouring countries for mutually synergistic outcomes. Further,this unit will also help in ISRO’s Gaganyaan programme which requires development of some… Continue reading Cabinet approves ISRO Technical Liaison Unit at Moscow

India set to sign US-like defence logistics sharing pact with Russia

India and Russia are finalising a defence agreement called the Agreement on Reciprocal Logistics Support(ARLS). The agreement will simplify interoperability and enable military platforms to receive support and supplies across bases in both nations. Currently,India has a defence logistics sharing agreement with the US.A similar agreement was also inked with France in 2018. Further,if the… Continue reading India set to sign US-like defence logistics sharing pact with Russia

India, Russia seek to skirt US sanctions threat to arms deals

Russia and India have agreed on a new mechanism which will allow payments for multi-billion dollar defence deals to be made using their own national currencies. This mechanism was established after Indian banks with exposure to the US had suspended payments and instalments to Russia to avoid the threat of punitive sanctions under Countering America’s… Continue reading India, Russia seek to skirt US sanctions threat to arms deals

Russia sends telescope into space

Russian space agency Roscosmos has launched Spektr-RG from Baikonur Cosmodrome,Russia. The Spektr-RG is a space observatory intended to observe black holes, neutron stars and magnetic fields.It was launched on a Proton-M rocket. The project is a joint collaboration between Russian and German scientists. The Spektr-RG is intended to replace the Spektr-R which is known as… Continue reading Russia sends telescope into space
