Coming: A rulebook, bill of rights and ‘Contract’ for the World Wide Web

News:Recently,Sir Tim Berners-Lee,who is the inventor of the World Wide Web, has announced a “Contract for the Web”. Facts: What is Contract for the Web? The contract aims to create a global plan of action for all stakeholders to together commit to building a better Web. The contract was created by the World Wide Web… Continue reading Coming: A rulebook, bill of rights and ‘Contract’ for the World Wide Web

At 30, World Wide Web ‘not the web we wanted,’ inventor says

During the conference on 30 years of World wide web,Berners-Lee said that the web is not the web we wanted in every respect.He said that he sees three sources of problems affecting today’s web.These are (a)state-sponsored hacking and attacks (b)criminal behaviour and (c)online harassment. Tim Berners-Lee,a British scientist,invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989,while… Continue reading At 30, World Wide Web ‘not the web we wanted,’ inventor says
