Territorial Army hires Chinese language interpreters, to induct cyber security experts next

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Source: The post is based on the article “Territorial Army hires Chinese language interpreters, to induct cyber security experts next” published in “Indian Express” on 9th October 2023

What is the News?

The Territorial Army(TA) is recruiting Chinese language interpreters for border personnel meetings (BPM) and cyber security experts to support the Army.

What is Territorial Army(TA)?

Indian Territorial Army is an auxiliary military organization of the Indian Army. 

It is a voluntary, part-time civilian force that receives military training and serves as a reserve force for the army to relieve it of static duties, to aid the civil power and to provide units for the regular Army as and when required.

Origin: The origins of India’s Territorial Army can be traced to the days of the British Raj when the British raised a territorial army through the Indian Territorial Act, 1920. 

– This act divided the army into two parts — the Auxiliary Force and the Indian Territorial Force.The Auxiliary force was meant for the Europeans and Anglo-Indians, the Indian Territorial Force was for the Indians.

– Post-independence, the Territorial Army Act, 1948, was passed, resulting in the formation of the current Indian Territorial Army. The Army was inaugurated by C. Rajagopalachari in 1949.

Eligibility: Any citizen between the age of 18-42 can be a part of the TA service.

– The soldiers from the TA have to complete a mandatory two-month embodiment or service period in a year.It does not provide them a full-time career.They have the option of returning to civilian life after the two months.

Functions performed by TA: The primary role of the TA is to relieve the regular army from static duties such as road security and protection of communication lines.

– TA units are made available to the regular army as needed for specific tasks, such as aiding civil authorities during disasters or maintaining essential services.

– TA units also play a crucial role in protecting border infrastructure projects in sensitive areas, as well as railway projects in the northeast connecting Manipur and Nagaland.

– They are also involved in maintaining anti-infiltration obstacle systems along the Line of Control.

– In times of crisis, TA units can be called upon to support additional forces, as seen in the ongoing situation in Manipur.

– Ministries and state governments also frequently request the raising of TA units for various purposes, including plantation drives, petroleum supply, oil exploration and safeguarding critical infrastructure.

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