The tomistoma does not usually attack humans but that is happening now; here is why
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Source: The post is based on the article “The tomistoma does not usually attack humans but that is happening now; here is why” published in Down To Earth on 23rd September 2022

What is the News?

Increasing human intrusion into the habitat of Tomistoma (a crocodile species) may be causing it to attack people in Indonesia.

What is Tomistoma?
Source: Down To Earth

The tomistoma (Tomistoma schlegelii) is a large, slender-snouted crocodilian species native to southeast Asia. 

It is also called ‘False Gharial’.

It is distributed across parts of Borneo (divided between Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei), peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra.

It is a freshwater species and is frequently associated with peat swamp forest. 

It shares its habitat with two other types of crocodilians — the saltwater crocodile and the Siamese crocodile.

IUCN Status: Vulnerable

Why is Tomistoma attacking humans?

The Tomistoma is a shy and reclusive species that typically retreat from areas with a high degree of human activity.

However, increasing human intrusion into its habitat due to activities like oil palm plantations, settlements and illegal gold mining has led to the rise in attacks.

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