[Answered] While Centre aims to double farmers’ income by 2022, a NABARD survey shows high levels of inter-State income inequality among agricultural households. In light of this discuss various issues faced by farmers in India. Suggest some measures to resolve these issues.

Demand of the question Introduction. Give a contextual Introduction. Body. Discuss issues faced by Indian farmers. Conclusion. Way forward and solutions. Historically, India has been an agrarian country. The Green Revolution after independence resulted in an increase in production of food grains, especially wheat and paddy. However, the improvements in agriculture did not sustain much… Continue reading [Answered] While Centre aims to double farmers’ income by 2022, a NABARD survey shows high levels of inter-State income inequality among agricultural households. In light of this discuss various issues faced by farmers in India. Suggest some measures to resolve these issues.

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[Answered] “5g could be one of the most important development in human history”. Comment. Explain various challenges involved in adopting the 5g technology.

“5g could be one of the most important development in human history”. Comment. Explain various challenges involved in adopting the 5g technology. Ans. Demand of the question Introduction. Discuss what is 5 technology. Body. Write some benefits and applications of 5g technology. Conclusion. Way forward. 5g is the next generation cellular technology that will provide… Continue reading [Answered] “5g could be one of the most important development in human history”. Comment. Explain various challenges involved in adopting the 5g technology.

[Answered] In the light of recent “Food and Nutrition Security Analysis, 2019” report, critically discuss the problem of malnutrition in India. What should be done to address this problem?

Demand of the question Introduction. Give a contextual Introduction. Body. Analyse status of malnutrition in India. Conclusion. Way forward. Malnutrition especially that affecting young children is one of the principle public health problems in the developing world like India. A new report, ‘Food and Nutrition Security Analysis, India, 2019’, published by the Government of India… Continue reading [Answered] In the light of recent “Food and Nutrition Security Analysis, 2019” report, critically discuss the problem of malnutrition in India. What should be done to address this problem?

[Answered] Discuss India-Africa trade ties. Analyse impact of African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on India-Africa trade.

Demand of the question Introduction. Give a brief about India-Africa ties. Body. Analyse trade ties of India and Africa. Impact of AfCFTA on Indian trade in Africa. Conclusion. Way forward. India and Africa have social and economic relations dating back many centuries. Deepening relations have been reflected in the patterns of trade and investment, as… Continue reading [Answered] Discuss India-Africa trade ties. Analyse impact of African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on India-Africa trade.

[Answered] What do you understand by democratic education? Discuss various advantages of democratic education.

Demand of the question Introduction. Define democratic education. Body. Write various benefits of democratic education. Conclusion. Way forward. An education which prepares young people for active participation in democratic society is a critical element of any education system, and is reflected best in curriculum. It reflects a deep understanding of the global economy and society… Continue reading [Answered] What do you understand by democratic education? Discuss various advantages of democratic education.

[Answered] What is research ethics? Discuss the principles of research ethics.

Demand of the question Introduction. About research ethics. Body. Importance and principles of research ethics. Conclusion. Way forward. Research ethics are the standards of conduct that governs the scientific research. It is important to adhere to ethical principles in order to protect the dignity, rights and welfare of research participants. These standards also help members… Continue reading [Answered] What is research ethics? Discuss the principles of research ethics.

[Answered] Discuss the major problems faced by MSMEs in India. What are the measures presented in budget 2019-20 for MSME sector?

Demand of the question Introduction. A contextual introduction. Body. Problems MSME face. Conclusion. Way forward. The budget 2019-20 aim at  $5 trillion economy. This cannot be achieved without underperforming MSME. Budget focus on ease of doing business for MSMEs and ease of living for citizens. Problems faced by MSMEs Problem of Raw Material: A major… Continue reading [Answered] Discuss the major problems faced by MSMEs in India. What are the measures presented in budget 2019-20 for MSME sector?

PM-AASHA- An Analysis

Context Cabinet has recently approved a new Umbrella Scheme “Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan’ (PM-AASHA) What is PM-AASHA? PM-AASHA is a recently launched (September 2018) umbrella Scheme “Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan” (PM-AASHA) to guarantee MSP to the farmers. The scheme reflects the government’s commitment to ensure remunerative prices to farmers for their… Continue reading PM-AASHA- An Analysis
