Russia to develop new missile systems by 2021

US recently decided to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) agreement, signed between US and Russia in 1987, as US believes that Russia has violated the treaty by discreetly developing missiles. Following US withdrawal, now, Russia has reciprocated that it would develop two new missile systems in the next two years i.e. (a) a… Continue reading Russia to develop new missile systems by 2021

Categorized as Factly: IR

11 EU nations back Guaido as President

11 nations have joined US in recognizing Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s interim President. Juan Guida recently lost elections to Mr. Maduro. The West alleges that the elections were rigged. Mr. Maduro replaced former President Hugo Chavez in 2013 as President of Venezuela, at a time when Venezuela was experiencing a state of… Continue reading 11 EU nations back Guaido as President

Categorized as Factly: IR

U.K. clears Mallya’s extradition to India

British Home Secretary Sajid Javid has signed the extradition order for fugitive business tycoon Vijay Mallya for his extradition to India. Two years ago, the Indian Government requested the extradition of Vijay Mallya to the British High Commission in India. Vijay Mallaya is the erstwhile chairman of United Sprits, who has been declared both a… Continue reading U.K. clears Mallya’s extradition to India

Categorized as Factly: IR

Taliban to meet Afghan Opposition in Moscow

Taliban will hold a meeting with Afghan opposition leaders in Moscow, in a move likely to alienate the Afghan government, which is already excluded from talks between the militant group and the United States. Russia has been cultivating ties with the Taliban,the successors of Mujahideen militants who defeated the soviet troops in 1980’s. U.S. and… Continue reading Taliban to meet Afghan Opposition in Moscow

IORA meeting on Disaster risk Management begins

The Ministry of Home Affairs in collaboration with the Ministry of External Affairs and National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is organising a meeting of Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Cluster Group on Disaster Risk Management (DRM) on 5-6 February 2019 in New Delhi. The Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), formerly known as the Indian Ocean Rim Initiative… Continue reading IORA meeting on Disaster risk Management begins

India issues démarche to U.S. on detained students, demands their release

India have demanded consular access and urged the US to release Indian students detained in connection with their enrolment in a fraudulent university and not to deport them against their will. The fake university was set up by the ICE department as part of their sting operation to bring to light the “pay-and-stay” racket. The… Continue reading India issues démarche to U.S. on detained students, demands their release

The regional great game

The regional great game International Relation News: The article discusses growing bilateral relations between Iran, India, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Facts: Iran and Pakistan, which were trying to remain close, are today moving in opposite directions. This development is fueled by India’s growing proximity to Iran and Saudi Arabia’s to Pakistan. India and Iran relations:… Continue reading The regional great game

Categorized as Factly: IR

India bats for timely Afghanistan polls amid talks between US & Taliban

India bats for timely Afghanistan polls amid talks between US & Taliban International relation News: India bats for timely elections in Afghanistan amid talks between US and Taliban. Facts: India’s concerns about democratic elections process: India is concerned that the ongoing negotiations between US and Taliban may put pressure on the upcoming presidential elections in… Continue reading India bats for timely Afghanistan polls amid talks between US & Taliban

Categorized as Factly: IR

Stormy weather awaits India in 2019

Stormy weather awaits India in 2019 International relation News: Global events signal a Stormy weather year in 2019 with unexpected outcomes for India. Facts: International events: There is global leadership vacuum around the world and the rules governing international order are being diluted. The trade war and hegemony between US on one side and China… Continue reading Stormy weather awaits India in 2019

Categorized as Factly: IR