Women’s panel defends draft Inheritance Bill

Source: The Hindu What is the News? The draft Arunachal Pradesh Marriage and Inheritance of Property Bill, 2021 has met with strong opposition in the State. About Draft Arunachal Pradesh Marriage and Inheritance of Property Bill, 2021: The bill focuses on the provisions related to the legal status of marriage, the procedure of marriage registration,… Continue reading Women’s panel defends draft Inheritance Bill

No DNA test if there is no proof of adultery: Supreme Court

Source: TOI Contents1 What is the News?2 What was the case?3 What did the Supreme Court say?4 Section 497 of IPC: What is the News? The Supreme Court has said that DNA tests cannot be ordered to establish the legitimacy of a child born during the subsistence of a marriage if there is no primary… Continue reading No DNA test if there is no proof of adultery: Supreme Court
