Population control measures in India – Explained, pointwise

Contents1 Introduction2 About Uttar Pradesh’s population policy3 India’s population control measures since Independence4 Need for population control measures5 Challenges with the population control policies6 Suggestions to control population Introduction Presently, India’s population stands at nearly 134 crore. According to the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs estimates, India’s population will reach 1.5 billion by 2030.… Continue reading Population control measures in India – Explained, pointwise

7 PM Daily Editorials Brief – February 21, 2018 (India ranks 12 among 52: 6 lakh Indian children died in their first month in 2016, says UNICEF)

Read In-depth analysis of all the Editorials here Source : Infant mortality: 6 lakh Indian children died in their first month in 2016, says UNICEF Analysis : India ranks 12 among 52: 6 lakh Indian children died in their first month in 2016, says UNICEF  
