China’s realpolitik lesson to India

Context:  The well-known historian Avtar Singh Bhasin’s latest book “Nehru, Tibet and China” answers a simple question: As both India and China emerged in their current avatars at the end of the 1940s, what went wrong in relations between them and why.  About the India-China war in 1962:   Like other analysts, he also apportions a large share of the blame… Continue reading China’s realpolitik lesson to India

China Surpasses India in Vaccine Delivery

Synopsis: China has surpassed India in vaccine delivery to other countries. India had an opportunity to make diplomatic gains, however, it lost that to fulfil its domestic needs.  Introduction  China has surpassed India in delivering more covid-19 shots worldwide. It is despite the fact that India is the world’s top vaccine producer.  As per UNICEF, China has donated a… Continue reading China Surpasses India in Vaccine Delivery

Counting the dead

Context: Undercounting of COVID-related deaths in India  What is the issue?  Due to gaps in the civil registration data, the actual death toll due to COVID is still a mystery. There’s no way to know it because the aggregated all-India civil registration data is only available until 2018.  What is the impact of lack of data? Or… Continue reading Counting the dead


What does the word Preamble mean? preamble of India is an introductory statement to any formal document in general, Statute and Constitution in particular. It contains the Philosophy and objectives of a document. Which is the first country to have Preamble in Constitution? When the USA got independence in 1775, The USA becomes the first… Continue reading PREAMBLE OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION
